Parenting Help

Alberta Exam Bank

By using this web site, you can join the hundreds of thousands of Alberta students who have enhanced their learning experience by writing randomized practice exams that relate directly to the curriculum as outlined by Alberta Education.  This resource has practice tests from Kindergarten to Grade 12.  Each school has a unique username and password (if they subscribe to this website), please contact your LLC librarian to obtain your school's username and password.

Alberta Exam Bank

Quest A+

This website is specificially designed for the PAT and Government exams at the grade 6, 9 and 12 level giving students practice on key concepts that can be found in these government exams.

Quest A+

Alberta Education

This link to the Alberta Education site is for grade 12 students.  This link includes information on study guides, exemplars, FAQ diploma exams, rewrite fees, and government exam rules for students for 30 level Mathematics, Sciences, English and Social Studies.

Alberta Education

How to Study

A very useful video on how to study effectively.